Electronic Medication Administration Record (eMAR)

Serious errors can occur at any point in the medication process. Mistakes committed at the bedside tend to be the most dangerous and have a very small chance of being detected. Our electronic Medication Administration Record (eMAR) system provides nurses with the tools necessary to prevent these errors.

eMAR incorporates important nursing documentation into the medication administration process, such as progress notes, vital signs documentation, administration records, and the ability to document adverse drug events and other medication errors. eMAR includes an intelligent bar-coded point of care medication safety system, designed to ensure six rights checking at the bedside. With this solution, Cantata clients have been able to achieve 99% bar code compliance – the key to patient safety at the point of care.

      eMAR Functionality

      Scroll to see descriptions and screenshots of eMAR’s unique and innovative capabilities!

      Electronic MAR Notes

      MAR Notes

      Errors at the point of care not only pose the biggest threat to patient health but are often the most difficult errors to detect and prevent. Electronic MAR notes help minimize the risk of error at the bedside by providing nurses with important patient information.

      To learn more about MAR notes, click here!

      Identification Verification Technology

      Identification Verification Technology

      The use of identification verification technology to authenticate facility personnel, patients, and related therapies has radically improved modern medicine within the last ten years. Recognizing the intrinsic benefits of implementing these systems, our team has incorporated more secure authentication measures, especially in regards to medication administration safety. 

      To learn more about identification verification technology, click here!

      Clinical Decision Support

      Clinical Decision Support

      Clinical Decision Support (CDS) systems have a number of important benefits, including an improvement in the quality of care, patient outcomes, and staff efficiency, as well as a reduction of errors, adverse drug events, and superfluous spending. Our products not only enable clinicians with intuitive decision support software but do so intelligently so as to avoid encumbering clinicians with alert fatigue.

      To learn more about CDS, click here!

      Complete Patient Profiles

      Patient Profiles

      Critical patient information is made readily accessible to clinicians of all disciplines with the complete patient profile. Each profile includes personal information, patient photo, demographics, allergies, vitals, diagnoses, patient history, integrated lab and radiology results, admission dates, medication lists, and much more. Supplying clinicians with a secure and convenient method of managing and communicating patient information is one of the many ways in which Cantata’s clinical decision support facilitates responsible patient care and improves overall outcomes.

      To learn more about patient profiles, click here!


      Integrated Vital Signs Documentation

      Vital Signs

      Relaying critical patient information between departments is one of the most important functions of an EHR. CHS incorporates integrated vital signs documentation into each step of the care process, allowing physicians, pharmacists, and nurses to view and record their patients’ vital signs before proceeding. Having these values always accessible helps to improve workflow and reduce medical errors between departments.

      To learn more about integrated vital signs, click here!

      Risk Assessment Module

      Risk Assessment

      A major factor in safeguarding patient safety is the clinician’s ability to evaluate the potential risks to a patient’s health. In order to properly perform this assessment, a clinician must both recognize the risk potential and perform tedious and time-consuming calculations that are subject to human error. The Risk Assessment Module that not only evaluates potential risk but also alerts clinicians to it.

      To learn more about risk assessment, click here!

      Progress Notes and Interdepartmental Communication

      Progress Notes

      Stay connected with every clinical department in your facility using the secure messaging application and various notes. These easy tools share patient-specific comments between clinicians without the hassle of illegible handwriting and communication lag time.

      To learn more about progress notes, click here!

      Click to learn more about Cantata Medication Management!

      Enterprise Rx (Pharmacy Management)

      Computerize Prescriber Order Entry (CPOE)