Growth At NetSolutions

NetSolutions is proud to introduce Jason Long, our new General Manager. Jason has twenty years of experience building businesses in a variety of industries, specifically healthcare. He has a breadth of experience in software development, user experience design, project management, consulting, and of course, business leadership. He has been responsible for the growth of multiple multi-million dollar organizations over the years. Jason is a customer-focused leader whose aim is to help improve our customers’ businesses and the lives of their residents and patients.

With Jason’s addition, NetSolutions is focusing on a new mission to:

Make every long-term care organization a fulfilling place to live and work by helping maximize profitability and compliance to achieve the best teams, care, and outcomes.

Product Growth

This new mission will drive the NetSolutions team to create the best long term care EHR to meet our customers’ needs. In addition to our usual customer-driven development, the team has started reworking user flows as well as the look and feel, to enable the system to:

  • Be quick to learn and easy to onboard new staff
  • Be intuitive to use and self-teaching
  • Provide the data you need the way you want it, making your job easier

Most importantly, we are building a system that is focused on your organization’s outcomes and profitability.

Focus On Your Financial Success

NetSolutions will be growing in new ways that go beyond helping customers navigate the financial landscape, actively driving patients to our customers’ organizations, showing places where reimbursements can be maximized, and more directly assisting in the day to day growth of our customers. We at NetSolutions believe that organizations that are profitable are able to provide the best care, teams, and outcomes.

Help In Difficult Times

Now is one of the most challenging times most of our customers have ever faced in this industry and we believe that our focus on financial success will enable our customers to continue to focus on their missions to care for their residents and patients. Over the past several years, Cantata Health has been growing and gaining momentum. The addition of this new General Manager role will help lead the NetSolutions division to new levels.

A Personal Message From Jason

Jason Long NetSolutions Health General Manager

There are a lot of heroes in healthcare right now. I want to personally thank you for your contributions to your communities. I know that your jobs are hard and that your devotion to the people you care for is strong. We are going to continue to provide you with great tools and support so you can continue to do an amazing job for your residents and patients. I am going to be working towards making your daily tasks easier and driving your organization towards success.

I look forward to this journey with you and to speaking with you personally as soon as possible.

Thank you!

Jason Long
General Manager of NetSolutions

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