The Mental Health EHR Blog

Check out our blog for information about industry best practices; quality and compliance changes; helpful guidance on getting the most out of behavioral and mental health EHR, RCM, and care management software; and much more.

Mental Health Awareness: 20 Tips To Positive Well-Being

Throughout Mental Health Awareness Month, Cantata Health Solutions has been sharing mood-boosting and spirit-lifting activities that our team members engage in, hoping to inspire others to practice self-care. Although this month is coming to a close, mental health matters all year round.

The Power of Therapy and Counseling

The Power of Therapy and Counseling

Many years ago, seeing a psychiatrist, or “shrink” as it was commonly and inappropriately referred to, was for the “unhealthy” and “mentally unstable.” It was looked down upon, and if you saw one, people deemed you “not well.” Luckily, that is not the case anymore. Mental health counseling is, generally, much more accepted, and can be effective in helping anyone struggling with life issues, big or small. It is always best to talk about and confront your emotions, rather than keep them bottled up.

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Mental Health Awareness Month: Fighting the Stigma

Mental Health Awareness Month: Fighting the Stigma

Many triggers cause one to develop a mental illness. Some are genetic; some stem from environmental issues such as childhood trauma and stress at school or work; some are undetermined. Regardless, these illnesses are as real as diabetes, HIV/AIDS, heart disease, cancer, and other severe medical conditions, but unlike most medical conditions, often mental health issues are stigmatized. Some people may think these conditions are self-inflicted; some do not believe they are real. When people suffering from these conditions reach out for help, they may hear replies such as “man up” or “stop worrying about it,” as if it were that easy.

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Healthcare Staff Shortages; Tips for Retention

Healthcare Staff Shortages; Tips for Retention

Workers have been leaving the healthcare industry in droves over the past few years. Since February, 2020, hospital employment has decreased by nearly 94,000, including over 8,000 between August and September, 2021, alone. Another study predicted there will be a critical shortage of 3.2 million healthcare workers by 2026. Although the COVID-19 pandemic may have been the last straw for healthcare workers, long shifts, little time off, and hectic work environments were other driving forces behind the decision to quit.

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How to Recognize and Manage Stress

How to Recognize and Manage Stress

If you are in school, have a job, bills to pay, or family/friends to care for, you probably deal with stress often. In other words, stress affects everyone and is almost unavoidable. Studies estimate that 84% of Americans deal with stress weekly, and the only way to overcome it is to change your thinking and face it head on.

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Why Integrated Care is Necessary for the United States

Why Integrated Care is Necessary for the United States

Integration in health and human services remains an elusive goal. Which is curious, since it is important to both consumers and payers, for different reasons. The current state of coordination of care for most consumers is far from “coordinated.” In many cases, basics like trying to get records from one health care professional to another or just getting an appointment with a specialist can take herculean efforts. And when you add in integration with all the services that a person/or family system needs, the efforts are tripled.

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New Year, New EHR. It’s Time to Arize

New Year, New EHR. It’s Time to Arize

Arize gives clinicians, caregivers, and informaticists an edge by offering the most robust tools, interoperability options, and workflows for behavioral health, ambulatory care, human services, and other types of healthcare entities. Learn more about the solution and what benefits it can bring your organization in the new year!

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Managing Your Mental Health During the Holiday Season

Managing Your Mental Health During the Holiday Season

Although Andy Williams might call the holiday season “the most wonderful time of the year,” others relate more with Elvis Presley and have a “blue Christmas.” Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or Boxing Day, the holidays are associated with joy, family, relaxation, gifts, and laughter. You see it in movies and commercials and hear about it in songs on the radio, but the reality is the holidays are a lonely and stressful time for some. Approximately 40% of adults are riddled with social anxiety around the holidays.

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The Horrors of Medical Errors

The Horrors of Medical Errors

Halloween is a scary time of year with all the horror movies, ghost stories, jack-o-lanterns, witches, goblins, vampires, and other terrifying creatures on display—but at least this ends on November 1st. Medical errors haunt patients, physicians, and healthcare organizations year-round.

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