Should your LTACH transition from paper to digital?

How much are paper records costing your organization? Healthcare spending in the US continues to grow, reaching nearly $3 trillion in 2014 alone. While many organizations – public, private, and federal – are exploring strategies to address this growth on a national...

Is a Healthcare RCM Tool Worth the Investment?

Is your LTACH ready for Medicare reform? In an effort to contain rising costs, Medicare has dramatically altered its LTACH payment model with the Pathway for SGR Reform Act of 2013. This change, implemented in fiscal year 2016, aims to reduce the payment rate for...

Internal Interoperability vs External Interoperability

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently announced a new approach to the familiar “meaningful use” EHR incentive program. Now termed “Promoting Interoperability,” these updated criteria seek to address pricing transparency, facilitate the...

What Should Clinicians Look for When Evaluating an EHR?

Medicare accounts for an increasingly large portion of all long-term acute care hospital (LTACH) discharges, with current estimates indicating that approximately two thirds of all LTACH discharges are Medicare discharges. Between 2004 and 2013, Medicare spending on...

3 Ways to Improve Your RCM Practices

I’ve already discussed the wealth of information to be found in medicine’s oft-forgotten business offices, but today I want to focus on the RCM team specifically. I’d like to go out on a limb and assert that your revenue cycle team may even be the key to improving...