With the launch of our new Referral Portal, Cantata Health has provided yet another key component that can deliver tremendous aid to Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF) that struggle with low occupancy or their Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) 5 Star Ratings. Additionally, our team’s goal is to make the transition process to PDPM as smooth as possible for all our clients. With the new SNF Referral Portal, our clients will be able to streamline the resident placement process, freeing up time and money that can be focused on improving other areas of care delivery.
The new SNF Portal can be used as a stand-alone application or fully integrated with your facility’s Electronic Health Record (EHR) platform, including our award-winning EHR, NetSolutions.
Why would you not want to reduce the administrative burden and time needed to vet and accept residents to a SNF from your provider network? In today’s world of healthcare, SNFs are constantly looking for ways to separate themselves from their competition while providing the best care for their residents.
Since acute hospitals must relocate outgoing patients as soon as possible, they’re likely to select first-responding SNFs as their preferred partners. The Cantata Health Referral Portal helps facilities stand out in their networks by fractioning the amount of time it takes for clinical liaisons to screen and accept new residents. The portal also allows SNFs to optimize occupancy rates by aligning residents to the care settings that best meet their unique needs. In turn, SNFs can deliver more appropriate care to residents, resulting in fewer rehospitalizations, stronger acute partnerships, higher quality ratings, and better reimbursements under PDPM.
Portal Features:
Clinical Liaison Dashboards – provides the clinical liaison access to everything they need to know about a potential new resident on a single-pane, significantly reducing the amount of time and effort that goes into the vetting process
Capacity Management – helps SNFs perfectly match resident count to bed count and provides a holistic view of their organization’s availability thresholds
Specialty Alignment – allows facilities to more quickly and effectively admit residents that align to their care specialties, improving care outcomes and helping referrers financially by reducing readmissions
PDPM Support – helps ensure financial stability by allowing SNFs to evaluate factors about a patient/resident that could impact PDPM reimbursements prior to admission
Easy Integration – Seamlessly integrates with our award-winning electronic health record (EHR) platform, NetSolutions, as well as with other EHRs. Bi-directional data exchange eliminates duplicative efforts and saves hours of time for staff. However, the Referral Portal also works as a standalone solution
If you would like to learn more about this new product or see a demo, please contact one of our Account Managers and they will be happy to share further details about the Referral Portal with you and your team.