Enhance data accuracy and simplify reporting

How to leverage the right tools to simplify quality management

Your Minimum Data Set (MDS) is the key to managing resident care; however, it can be very difficult to capture that data accurately and in a useful way. Plus, you are now required to implement an Infection Prevention and Control Program.

Fortunately, Cantata and ABILITY® have partnered to help skilled nursing facilities simplify quality management and meet these challenges head-on!

Watch our recent webinar to learn how to:

  • Ensure MDS integrity and accuracy and strengthen care planning
  • Communicate directly with CMS and actively manage reimbursement
  • Reduce survey citations
  • Use ABILITY CAREWATCH® to organize MDS data so it becomes a valuable resource
  • Use ABILITY INFECTIONWATCH to build an effective Infection Prevention and Control Program

Co-hosted with our partner:


Watch the webinar